Disruptive children

Professor Dame Diana Mossop created the Phytobiophysics system, her passion is to help our babies and future generations with their wellbeing and health, in so doing she developed a specific selection of pills for our damaged children which I include in many adults mixtures, I also treat young children and have been using the children’s remedies since they were available, I have found them to be very emotionally supporting as not all of us had a perfect childhood!

Dame Diana has given permission for her remedies to be used in a very specific way in schools ‘Holistic Educational Therapy’. This is based on a number of different complementary healthcare approaches. All the approaches used in HET are simple and safe, using Bach flower remedies, nutritional supplements, Phytobiophysics, Holistic Counselling, Aromatherapy and Hopi ear therapy. Please visit her website if you wish to follow that approach.